Translate the Comic!

Translate the Comic!

This comic is freely available for translation under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike license.

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This book is about the effects of intellectual property on culture – something of interest to artists and citizens around the world. Reflecting the authors’ expertise, the legal discussion in the book is primarily focused on US law, which has strongly influenced the global cultural marketplace. Therefore, while much of this comic has global relevance, the specific legal rules and cases in the book cover only US law, which might be very different from the law in your jurisdiction. We strongly urge translators to either 1) rewrite relevant portions of the legal discussions to make them reflect the law of your jurisdiction, or 2) post a version of the following warning conspicuously on the translation:

  • "WARNING: This is a translation of a comic book that discusses the situation of documentary filmmakers under United States law. The law of the United States differs substantially from that in other jurisdictions. You should not use this as a guide to the legal rules governing copyright and film making outside of the United States. However, many of the same broad problems and legal concepts exist around the world, and the law of the United States has, for better or worse, strongly influenced the global cultural marketplace. Therefore, we hope that this translation will be useful in informing the public and inspiring debate about copyright and creativity."


Artists, lawyers, teachers, students – customize the comic for your region. You can translate the whole comic, or any part of it (a few pages, an image), depending on your purposes.


Prisioneira da lei? View the Center's authorized Portuguese translation,
Sagas do domínio público: Prisioneira da lei?,
and see how it is done.


Les Contes du Domaine Public : Prisonnière de la Loi ? View the French translation, Les Contes du Domaine Public : Prisonnière de la Loi ?, created by faculty and students at the University of Nantes Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.


Racconti dal pubblico dominio : Prigioniera della Legge ? View the Italian translation, Racconti dal pubblico dominio : Prigioniera della Legge ?, created by Deborah De Angelis of DDA Studio Legale and Lorenzo De Tomasi of


Amarrada pela lei? View the Brazilian Portuguese translation, Contos do domínio público: Amarrada pela lei?, created by Alexandre Marquez of Rio de Janeiro.


Związana Prawem? View the Polish translation, Opowieści Domeny Publicznej: Związana Prawem?, created by faculty and students at Opole University Faculty of Law and Administration.


Związana Prawem? View the German translation, Von Gesetzes Wegen?, created by Wolfgang Flechsenhaar, LL.M.



Want to remix the original comic? Download a zip file of individual pages.

Here's an example of a remix using the comic.

Comic First Page in Several Languages

The production and distribution of this book were made possible by support from the Rockefeller, Ford and MacArthur Foundations.