356.01 Effective Communication Outside of the Courtroom

Good lawyering requires advocacy outside of the courtroom. Lawyers regularly communicate with current and prospective clients, governmental officials, the media, and other general audiences. They also must advocate for themselves—whether in their job searches or within their professional settings. Accordingly, this seminar will introduce skills to make students more effective in their interpersonal communication, teamwork, and persuasive public speaking.  Each class session will focus on a specific set of interpersonal communication, teamwork, and/or persuasive speaking skills. Class sessions will feature a combination of lectures, individual and group presentations, discussion, and in-class exercises. Students will routinely receive feedback on their performances through self-reflections, peer evaluations, and instructor evaluations. This seminar will also provide students with opportunities to meet (mostly virtually) with current lawyers and hear examples of how they advocate for themselves, their clients, and/or positions they support. Each guest will also discuss how interpersonal communication and public presentation skills shape their day-to-day responsibilities.

Spring 2019

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
Reflective Writing
Group project(s)
Oral presentation
Class participation
Daisy Lovelace
Sakai site: https://sakai.duke.edu/portal/site/LAW.356.01.Sp19
Email list: LAW.356.01.Sp19@sakai.duke.edu
Degree Requirements
Course Requirements - JD
Course Requirements - LLM